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Local community grants for the Storhaug district

Information in other languages

Area initiative in the Storhaug district

"The goal of the area initiative is to improve the population's social and environmental living conditions, as well as to develop solutions and programmes that create good health."

The area initiative will contribute to the development of good living and local communities and increased local involvement. Local community grants are one of several measures that will contribute to this.

For which types of initiatives will grants be given?

Social, environmental, and physical initiatives that support the initiative for improved living conditions in the Storhaug area. See map below.

Kart over området som inngår i områdeløft Storhaug bydel
Kart over området som inngår i områdeløft Storhaug bydel
Stavanger kommune

The purpose of the funds is to contribute to solutions and programmes that create:

  •  Attractive, open and inclusive meeting places for social, cultural and physical activities.
  • Increased activity and new opportunities among residents and unions, volunteer teams and organisations, businesses and other entities.
  • Local involvement and volunteer efforts. Initiatives that can help equalise social inequality with particular focus on children and young people are given priority.

Who can apply?

Residents and unions, volunteer teams and organisations, businesses and other entities that want to participate in improving living conditions.

When and how to apply

There are four deadlines every year. Please check the dates on the Norwegian version of the websiteUse the separate application form.