The Energy Capital Stavanger
Stavanger is the Energy Capital of Norway. Over the past 40 years the Stavanger region has led the development of Norway as an energy nation. The City of Stavanger is working to use this competitive advantage for the transition to a sustainable business sector.
If Stavanger succeeds with the green transition, Norway succeeds.
The knowledge from the oil and gas industry is a vital element for the transition in everything from engineering to project management.
Over the last couple of years, we have also seen an increase in companies within renewable energy and other new solutions. Companies with drive, knowledge and technology are reinventing through transition from the oil and gas industry.
The tech economy is growing
The Stavanger region has developed a strong environment within tech. We have some of the countries most attractive tech companies within industries such as battery tech, electric vehicle chargers, drones and renewable energy.
On top of this, we also have well-established energy companies such as Equinor and Shell investing in renewables and new solutions in our region.
Project collaboration: The Energy Capital
Our collaboration project, The Energy Capital, is run by the City of Stavanger, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, Rogaland County Municipality and other municipalities in the region. The goal of the collaboration project is to work for and ensure the region's position as The Energy Capital. As well as actively recruiting and keeping environmental new etablishments and jobs in the region.
We have established an Energy Council as part of the collaboration project with 30 top leaders from the region's energy and tech companies.
We arrange an annual conference with acting parties within energy, tech, politics and academics to discuss questions regarding our position as The Energy Capital.
The Clusters strengthen the transition
The Stavanger region is home to the most active and rapid growing clusters in Norway.
Energy Transition Norway is actively working with the green transition within the energy industry and Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster with developments in offshore wind. Recently, three clusters from our region were offered Arena Pro status, which is a status level reserved for advanced clusters.
Contact information

Anne Woie
Head of Economic Development and International Affairs
- Mobile phone:
- 995 12 623
- Phone:
- 51 50 73 48
- E-mail:
- anne.woie@stavanger.kommune.no

Birger Haraldseid
Energy Advisor
- Mobile phone:
- 908 93 186
- E-mail:
- birger.haraldseid@stavanger.kommune.no